I’m trying to get back into the habit of drawing every day, even if it is small. I’ve realized now that some skills are not like riding a bike. They are more like riding a bike with no hands and then trying to replicate that trick in your 40s; you will have a bad time.
A while ago, I bought a Canvas phone mount intending to use it to stream drawing. Attempting to stream wasn’t working all that great so I have now been using it to record drawing sessions and make that footage into timelapse videos.
I have used some of these dirty vhs effects and sounds before. It turns the videos into some found footage of someone drawing super fast. This vertical format means I can make one video and upload it to YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, Twitter, and TikTok very easily.
It took me a little while to develop this concept, but now that I have a rough template in After Effects, I can put them together fairly quickly. I don’t feel like I’ll make these every day, maybe 1-2 a week. Which means I need to get going on this week’s video!
Here are the final drawings, both Ed. 25, 1 tez (if you’re into that thing).