I started working on these CMYK moiré patterned sketches in Processing over the weekend. Not sure where to go with this but the layering of the colors and the different spreads of arcs creates interesting patterns.
Tag: code
Getting into Generative Art via Processing
Lately, I started getting into Generative art. The idea that I can use code to generate artwork appeals to me. I’ve only got into working in Processing, a language for generative art (Java-based), for about two weeks now and already I can see its possibilities. At first, I just tried to get the basics down.… Continue reading Getting into Generative Art via Processing
Hour of code
Wow, it’s been a while! Yesterday I got the opportunity to participate in Hour of Code, a global program that tries to get kids learning what code is and how it’s used every day. Thanks to @NateNolting and @PaulBunyanComm for supporting @ISD31Bemidji today during the #hourofcode #anybodycanlearn #gigazone pic.twitter.com/76LF77R6bd — Dana Woods (@woodsdana) December 5, 2018… Continue reading Hour of code
.env environment variables when working with Apache
I’m getting in the habit of using a .env file for loading environment variables. Laravel already uses them for setting up configuration. It’s a nice way to setup variables that can be used in bash or through a php library like vlucas/phpdotenv. For a site I’m working on I wanted the environment variable APP_ENV set to “local” in… Continue reading .env environment variables when working with Apache
::before and ::after
This is the first in a series of “today I learned” posts. Today it’s all about the pseudo element ::before and ::after. This isn’t new news to most I’m sure, but I’ve just recently started using these and think they are pretty cool. Say you are working on a site where you have access to the styles… Continue reading ::before and ::after