I’m enjoying making these new pieces. I’ve been going through many test photocopies while playing with distortions. Rather than using the clippings and mounting them to a board and connecting them, I layered patterns on the photocopier bed itself. Then, with the resulting copy, I joined the different designs with pen and ink. When working… Continue reading Collage, Photocopy, Ink
Tag: NFT
Rolling Hills at Sundown
“Rolling Hills at Sundown” is live on fxhash https://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/17758 🚀🚀🚀 “Rolling Hills at Sundown” is a project inspired by a road trip to the Southwest United States my family made this summer. We made stops at around 15 national parks, each with different rock formations, from the peaks of the Rocky Mountains to the depths… Continue reading Rolling Hills at Sundown
Insane Squiggle Machine Rerevisited
Recently I’ve been looking back at some of my p5.js sketches and seeing if any of them would be a good fit for a generative token. “Insane Squiggle Machine” has been a project I’ve come back to repeatedly, adding more sets of elements to the sketch. Since these generations are image-based, they take a long… Continue reading Insane Squiggle Machine Rerevisited